Category Archives: giving

What Motivates Us

Great video on what motivates us — it’s not what you think.  I find it interesting how the non Christian community is discovering principles that are rooted in Jedeo Christian teaching.  These principles are at the core of all  humans beings and have been planted in our hearts by God.  The newly discovered ideas like purpose have been taught in the church for ages.  I believe this is a great connection with people who are realizing that there must be more to life and their desire for significance, meaning and purpose can ultimately be found in a personal relationship with God.

In Plain English

I’ve been meeting with our small groups, talking about the vision and direction of New Vintage Church and there has been one central request from every group. That request is, “tell us what you need.” So, here it is…in plain english. Thanks for the nudge to express it!

Vodpod videos no longer available.

NVC Exposed: Membership

Becoming a member of New Vintage Church is a great way to solidify your commitment in our community. It is a way of saying, “I believe what Jesus Christ is doing through this community and I want to partner with you in accomplishing his mission for New Vintage Church and Sonoma County.”

Q: Why should I become a member?
A: When you become a member of our community, officially, you are saying…”I agree with the mission of New Vintage Church and I want to be a part of the story God is writing through our community. I want to make an impact.”

Q: I’m new to the church, and I’m not ready to make that kind of commitment, but I do want to know more about New Vintage. How do I do that?
A: We have an environment for you called NEXT. It happens once a month and it is a 20-minute orientation where Andy talks to a small group of people about our Mission, Vision, Strategy and also answers questions you may have about the church.

Q: How do I become a member?
A: It’s really easy. Attend First Step, an environment where you can learn what it means to be a Christian and a member of New Vintage Church. At the end of the course you fill out a paper that tells us if you want to become a member or not. We do ask that every applicant be a Christian and be baptized before becoming a member. If you want more information on how you can go about becoming a Christian or being baptized, please contact us (707.545.7344) and we would LOVE to share with you.

Q: Do you require anything from a member?
A: No, but we do ask our members to commit to these four things:

  • Invest & Invite: Invest in relationships with people who do not regularly attend church and when the time is right, invite them.
  • Percentage Giving: Something happens to your heart when you give to God. It’s a part of your spiritual growth that can happen no other way.
  • Community Groups: Sustainable life-change and spiritual growth happens in the context of a small community. For us, those groups are the glue to our church.
  • Strategic Service: Serve on one of our service teams on Sunday mornings. We ask our members to go to a service and serve during a service. There are a few main teams that you can join – Children’s Ministry, Student Ministry, Coffee, Host Team, Production Team and Set Up/Tear Down.

Have other questions? Please let us know so that we can share the answer.

Heart for the House

“Heart for the House” is a phrase that is common among Hillsong congregants. It speaks of the loyalty, honor and single-mindedness that is felt for the local church, specifically Hillsong Church.

How is the pulse of your congregants when it comes to having a “heart for the house”?

Church Exposed III – Percentage Giving

A few weeks ago we did a series called “Church Exposed” and we covered 4 basic topics. Here’s a quick video explaining the third topic.

Vodpod videos no longer available.