Blog Archives

Stop & Start 2012: Jeff Henderson

This blog is from Tony Morgan who is interviewing leaders and asking the question what are they planning on stopping and starting in 2012.  I thought this was a great insight and principle we all need to take and apply.

Jeff HendersonJeff Henderson

As part of my series on things leaders should stop and start doing, I connected with Jeff Henderson,  the Lead Pastor ofGwinnett Church which is a campus of North Point Ministries. What are some of the shifts leaders need to make going forward? Here are Jeff’s thoughts:

Stop comparing.

There’s far too much time and energy wasted on studying the competition. We will never find our true potential by comparing ourselves to others. Only by comparing ourselves and our organizations to our own potential will we find unchartered territories and possibilities.

The people and organizations you respect the most do just that. You can too. Stop comparing yourself to others. Start comparing yourself to your own God-given potential. This is where true uniqueness and creativity is found.

Start thinking more.

Leaders do. That’s what we do. But the pace of doing can prevent the necessity of thinking. This year, carve out more “think time” in advance. Examples: 10 minutes a day. One hour a week. One day per quarter.

If you commit to this, you’ll discover a powerful principle: Great thinking leads to better doing.

You can follow more of Jeff’s thoughts on the Gwinnett Church blog.