4 Things — Serve

We believe that being a part of New Vintage Church is about more than just showing up. We believe that the local church is the hope of the world and that if you would really engage with God’s design for the church that everything would be different; in your own life, at home, at work, and in our community.

Starting this week, we are discussing the 4 simple ways that you can partner with New Vintage to change our community.  The first of the 4 Things is serving.

Serving has become Trendy in the last few years. It seems like everyone is doing it including famous musicians, athletes and actors. Serving others has become “cool”. I imagine that God is profoundly pleased with this, seeing as “Loving Others” was His idea. However, God wants this idea to be more than a trend or the cool thing to do. God doesn’t want us to simply participate in random acts of kindness or causes, but rather to participate in strategic acts of service that are also aligned with His purpose and heart for the world. What do you think God could do through you if you determined to serve Him Strategically?

Here are some questions to consider about serving.

Describe a time when you volunteered for something. What type of service did you do and for how long?  As you look back, has serving been a natural part of your life, or rather a strategic choice you have made?  What are some of the roadblocks that keep you from strategically serving?  What area of  New Vintage Church are you already strategically serving in? OR What area of New Vintage Church would you most be interested in serving in? (Waumba Land, Upstreet, Inside Out, Host Team). Where can your time, skills, and passions best intersect with what God is already doing in and through Athens Church?

As we continue to determine what it looks like to be fully engaged with the heart of God, it is vital that we determine to love others in the way that He does. There is such great potential is focusing on and being faithful in our service. What would happen in Sonoma County if we all determined to be strategic about our investments of time? What would happen in your own heart if you committed to serve strategically each week at New Vintage Church? Great change would occur in both arenas!

As you consider this, how might you choose to strategically serve?

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, He is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent.” 2 Peter 3:9

Posted on January 16, 2012, in guest services, host team, invest & invite, leaderahip, sermon, serving, small groups and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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